
Cruciate Ligament in Cats and Dogs

Cruciate ligament disease in dogs and cats is one of the most common orthopedic disorders in our friends. Cruciate ligament disorders are divided into two as complete or partial ruptures. Partial ruptures can usually revert to full ruptures later on. In addition, although the knee joints are in a locked state, forward and backward movements are experienced. In this direction, when dogs and cats make sudden turns, the cruciate ligaments may break.

Table of Contents

Cruciate Ligament in Cats and Dogs
What Is A Cruciate Ligament In Cats And Dogs And What Are Its Causes?

What Is A Cruciate Ligament In Cats And Dogs And What Are Its Causes?

In the knee joints, there are two bands of connective tissue called the cruciate ligament. These bands connect the bones called the femur and tibia , which are located above and below the knee joints . The cruciate ligament disease in dogs and cats consists of genetic predisposition, malnutrition, damage to the cruciate ligaments as a result of a small blow, and physical trauma.

What are the Symptoms and Treatment of Cruciate Ligaments in Cats and Dogs?

There are many symptoms of cruciate ligament disease in dogs and cats. These symptoms are: Difficulty in standing up and jumping while sitting, reluctance to play, walking with a limp, decreased movements in the knee joints, swelling in the inner part of the tibia, pain in the legs and stiffness in the hind legs.

Cruciate Ligament Surgery and Surgery Alternatives in Cats and Dogs

Cruciate ligament surgeries in dogs are performed according to their weight. If our cute friends are under 10 kilos, the cruciate ligaments are corrected by the regular exercises given by the veterinarian. In addition to the exercises, painkillers and joint-strengthening drugs are given. Surgery is required if our dogs are over 10 kilos. For cats, weight doesn’t matter. Medication is also used in cruciate ligament surgery in cats. In addition, if the damage to the cruciate ligaments is very serious, surgery is performed.

Cruciate Ligament Surgery Procedures in Cats and Dogs Step by Step

Our canine friends over 10 kilos cannot be cured of cruciate ligament disease without surgical operation. If surgery is not performed, the cruciate ligaments may not be reversible and dogs become unable to use their legs. After cruciate ligament surgery, dogs regain 80-90% of their mobility. Caring for dogs after cruciate ligament surgery is more important than the recovery process. After the surgery, dogs should stay away from physical actions. Among the surgical methods, surgical procedures usually result in the placement of an additional artificial ligament outside the knee joint.

The operation of cruciate ligament surgery in cats is as follows:

1- Before the operation, the right leg is shaved and disinfected from the upper 1/3 of the femur to the lower 1/3 of the tibia .

2- Afterwards, xylazine at a dose of 2 mg/kg was given to the cat. ketamine at a dose of 12.5 mg/kg 10 minutes after hydrochloride is administered The cat is anesthetized by the hydrochloride intramuscular route.

3-. area of the femur Beginning in the distal 1/4 of the tibia A skin incision is made in the craniolateral aspect of the genu joint , extending to the proximal 1/3 of the joint .

4- After the incision process, the tissues are excluded, and arthrotomy is performed and the joint is entered. condyle of anterior cruciate ligament An oblique groove is created laterally with the help of a suitable drill from the area where it is attached to the lateralis .

5- Then the area of the anterior cruciate ligament on the tibia tuberositas from the region where it attaches to the intercondylaris of the tibia A second oblique groove is opened medially with the help of a suitable drill . 0.5 mm to one end The fishing line, which is passed through the ring prepared from Steinmann wire, is passed through these grooves. The Genu joint is brought to the extension position and the synthetic material is placed in the area.

6- Finally, after controlling the movements of the joint, the joint capsule is closed by suturing.

Non-Cross Ligament Surgery Alternatives in Cats and Dogs

Non-surgical treatment of cruciate ligament disease in cats and dogs is done with painkillers, joint strengtheners, rehabilitation and exercises. Also, dogs under 10 kilos do not require surgery. As a result of only two and six weeks of rest in the cage, the cruciate ligament disease heals.

Benefits of Cruciate Ligament Surgery in Cats and Dogs

After cruciate ligament surgery in dogs and cats;

1- Our lovely friends will not have any more difficulties while walking or jumping,

2- The desire of dogs and cats to play happily on their own will also increases,

3- The pain suffered by our dogs and cats during the disease phase will not be experienced again.

Cruciate Ligament Surgery Damages in Cats and Dogs

Our friends inevitably feel fatigue and unhappiness after undergoing a surgical procedure. In order to prevent these negative feelings, we play games that our friends like. We also make them happy by giving them the food they like. We have to be careful with the surgical sutures. Because they can damage it with their mouths. After each surgical procedure, bleeding, discharge, swelling or redness may be experienced in the wound area. In such cases, we should go to our doctor as soon as possible.

The Cost of Cruciate Ligament Surgery in Cats and Dogs

The cost of cruciate ligament surgeries for dogs and cats varies according to the region where the clinic is located. In addition, an X-ray is taken to determine the damage to the cruciate ligaments before the surgery. The features of the devices used in cruciate ligament surgery also affect the costs. The degree of expertise of the veterinarian is also important in determining the cost of cruciate ligament surgery in dogs and cats.

Recovery and Care After Cruciate Ligament Surgery in Cats and Dogs

Dogs and cats should be taken for a walk twice a day after cruciate ligament surgery. The duration of these walks should be between five and ten minutes. Dogs and cats can return to their normal walks after six weeks. In addition, painkillers are given to relieve pain in the operated area.

Patellar Groove Replacement in Cats and Dogs

In case of Patellar Luxation in dogs and cats, thread replacement is performed. Patellar Luxation reduces the quality of life of our friends. It also needs to be treated. Otherwise, it causes very serious joint problems.

Patellar Groove Replacement in Cats and Dogs

What is Patellar Groove Replacement in Cats and Dogs and What are the Causes?

The grooving of the kneecaps of our live friends is a very rare orthopedic disorder. The disease is experienced when the bone on the kneecap is displaced and changes to the inside or upwards. Kneecap disorders in dogs and cats usually occur as a result of jumping, falling, sudden turns, sprains or an accident. In addition , small dog breeds such as poodle , pincher , terrier and chihuahua have genetic predispositions.

What are the Symptoms and Treatment of Patellar Groove Replacements in Cats and Dogs?

In dogs and cats, erosion of the articular cartilage and exposure of the subchondral bone indicate the need for thread replacement. In addition, heat is generated in these areas as a result of exposure to synovial fluid and friction with joint movements. This causes severe pain.

Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery and Surgery Alternatives in Cats and Dogs

In cats and dogs, the treatment method is applied according to the kneecap thread change and the condition of the damage to the kneecap. If there is minor damage to the kneecap, wedge retraction and block trochleaplasty treatment is applied. If the damage to the kneecap is very serious, surgery should be performed. We should take the kneecap problems of our living friends seriously. Because if they are not treated, they can continue their lives as disabled.

Step by Step Procedures for Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery in Cats and Dogs

The stages of Patellar Groove Replacement surgery in cats and dogs are as follows:

1- The area to be operated is shaved and anesthesia is applied.

2- Then, starting the surgical procedure, the patella is luxated and the groove is exposed with a saw.

3- After the groove is removed, the implant base plate is placed on the treated area.

4- Afterwards, the prosthesis is carefully placed on the plate.

In order for the prosthesis to work smoothly, trial implants are used during the surgical procedure.

Non-Surgical Alternatives for Patellar Groove Replacement in Cats and Dogs

If the kneecap discomfort is not very serious, groove abnormalities are corrected with treatment methods such as wedge retraction or block trochleaplasty . However, if there is serious damage to the kneecap, surgical operation is definitely required.

Benefits of Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery in Cats and Dogs

Our cats and dogs can return to their former happiness and active days after undergoing Patellar Groove Replacement surgery. He can jump and run as much as he wants. In addition, the suffering of our friends during the illness is relieved.

Harms of Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery in Cats and Dogs

Our cute friends are tired and unhappy after they have had Patellar Groove Replacement surgery. Since these emotional states are experienced after every surgery, they are considered normal. Therefore, after the operation, we must ensure that our lovely friends are happy by playing the games they love or giving them the food they love. In addition, we must be very careful not to damage the sutures in the surgical area. Dogs and cats undergoing surgery may experience bleeding, discharge, swelling or redness. In case of such situations, we should go to our doctor without wasting any time.

Cost of Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery in Cats and Dogs

The costs of Patellar Groove Replacement surgeries in dogs and cats vary according to the regions where their clinics are located. In addition, there are many factors that determine the costs of Patellar Groove Replacement surgery. These elements are: The devices used are new or old, the quality of the services, the level of expertise of the veterinarian, the tests and X-rays before the surgery.

Healing and Care After Patellar Groove Replacement Surgery in Cats and Dogs

Our lovely friends need to be carefully cared for at home after Patellar Groove Replacement surgery. The exercise program determined by the veterinarian should be done properly. Painkillers are used to relieve pain in the surgical area. In addition, our friends should rest at home in a cage or in a small room for 6 weeks. Once this six-week period has passed, we can gradually take our friends out for daily walks.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia in Cats and Dogs

Dysplasias of the Hip and Elbow Dysplasias of our live friends affect their lives very badly. In addition, the quality of life of our friends decreases due to the pain experienced. Therefore, Hip and Elbow Dysplasia should be treated. If Hip and Elbow Dysplasias are not treated, our friends can spend their lives disabled.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia in Cats and Dogs

What is Hip and Elbow Dysplasia in Cats and Dogs and What are the Causes?

Hip and Elbow Dysplasias are among the most common joint disorders in dogs and cats. The most common cause of hip Dysplasia in dogs is due to genetics. In addition, hip Dysplasia has an effect on nutrition, exercise level, hormones and environmental factors. Hip Dysplasia in cats is caused by genetic factors. Hip Dysplasia is more common in purebred cats and female cats. Elbow Dysplasia in dogs and cats is caused by genetic predisposition. Sometimes it is seen in one elbow as well as in two elbows.

Are the Symptoms and Treatment of Hip and Elbow Dysplasias in Cats and Dogs?

Symptoms of hip fracture in cats; lameness, avoiding physical activities, frequent licking of the aching area, muscle loss in the hind limbs, stiffness in the hind limbs and difficulty in movements. In dogs, on the other hand, there are conditions such as decreased activity, difficulty in jumping and running, lame movement, pain in the shoulder muscles.

When we consider the symptoms of elbow Dysplasia in dogs and cats, symptoms such as pain due to bending or straightening of the joints, lameness, difficulty in getting up, swelling in the elbows and sounds coming from the elbow during flexion are seen. In order to prevent Hip and Elbow Dysplasia problems of our dear friends, it is necessary to keep a healthy diet and keep their weight under control.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery in Cats and Dogs and Surgery Alternatives

For Hip and Elbow Dysplasia problems experienced by our Sevim friends, the appropriate treatment method is applied by the veterinarian. These treatment methods are cold-hot treatment from the outside to the body, electric current treatment and daily exercise treatments. If the damage of these Dysplasias is quite high , surgical procedures are performed with the femoral head and total hip replacement method. Our friends who are treated will regain their old happy lives.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery Procedures in Cats and Dogs Step by Step

Hip Dysplasia surgeries in dogs and cats are performed in two ways as femoral head and total hip replacement. Femoral head surgery is performed by cutting the femoral head or ball in the hip joint . Then, the surgery is terminated by placing a fake joint on that area. Total hip replacement, on the other hand, is completed by replacing all joints with metal and plastic implants .

Arthroscopy method is used in elbow Dysplasia surgery of cats and dogs . In the arthroscopic method , the operation is terminated by removing the flaps , cartilage fragments or bone fragments by entering the joint through a fiberoptic cable.

Non-Surgical Alternatives for Hip and Elbow Dysplasias in Cats and Dogs

In the treatment of hip Dysplasia disease in dogs and cats without surgery, our animal friends should be kept at an ideal weight. In addition, hip Dysplasia is treated with daily exercises and anti- inflammatory drugs. Conservative methods can be applied in elbow Dysplasia disease in dogs and cats. In this direction , joint and essential fatty acid supplements such as glucosamine are made with anti-inflammatory drugs . In addition, the cold therapy laser treatment method also reduces pain and inflammation.

Benefits of Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery in Cats and Dogs

Our cute friends can jump and run as they want after Hip and Elbow Dysplasia surgery. In addition, swelling, pain, lame movement and sounds from the elbow will not be experienced again during the disease process.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery Damages in Cats and Dogs

Our friends may experience fatigue or unhappiness after Hip and Elbow surgery. We play games that our friends like or give them their favorite foods to relieve their unhappiness. We must carefully follow the surgical sutures. Because they can damage their seams with their mouths. After each surgical procedure, bleeding, discharge, swelling or redness may be experienced in the wound area. In such situations, we should consult our doctor without wasting any time.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery Cost in Cats and Dogs

Our dear friends, the cost of surgery varies according to the region where the clinic is located. Since Hip and Elbow Dysplasias are an important joint problem in dogs and cats, clinics that have achieved success in Hip and Elbow Dysplasia surgery should be preferred. This will inevitably increase the cost. In addition, the high level of technology used in the surgery and the quality of the service provided by the veterinary clinic also affect the costs. Performing analyzes and taking x-rays before the surgery also increases the costs.

Recovery and Care After Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Surgery in Cats and Dogs

The recovery process of our lovely friends after Hip and Elbow Dysplasia operations varies according to their race and age. We should ensure that our friends eat a balanced diet, stay away from fatty foods and consume energy-giving foods after the surgery. In addition, we must perform the exercises given by the doctor correctly. Pain relief treatments are also applied to relieve or relieve pain in the operated area.

Fracture in Cats and Dogs

Since our cute friends are very active, they may inevitably have bone fractures in their bodies due to situations such as falling from a high place, traffic accident or harming themselves. X-rays should be taken to diagnose these fractures. Our friends may walk with a limp or bounce due to the fractures in their bodies. Therefore, fractures need to be treated.

Fracture in Cats
Fracture in Dogs

What is a Fracture in Cats and Dogs and What are the Causes?

The most general definition of bone fracture is the deterioration of bone integrity. Bone fractures are more common in animals than humans. Fractures in dogs and cats usually occur as a result of falling from a high place, traffic accidents and unfortunately gun injuries. It also occurs in spontaneous fractures due to old age and stress.

What are the Symptoms and Treatment of Fractures in Cats and Dogs?

When we look at the parts of the body to understand the bone fracture in dogs and cats, symptoms such as swelling, deformity in the limbs, limping and bruising are seen. In addition, due to fractures, dogs and cats experience weakness, loss of appetite, high fever and groaning sounds.

Surgery Alternatives in Cats and Dogs

Surgery for fractures in cats and dogs varies according to the location and type of fracture. In this direction, if the damage to the broken bone is low and it is not a surgical area, rest is given at home. In addition, painkillers are administered to relieve pain. However, if the broken bone is split and fragmented, surgical operation is required.

Fracture Surgery Procedures in Cats and Dogs Step by Step

The basis of fracture treatment is to heal the broken parts and put them back where they belong. If the broken bone is not treated properly, it may remain unhealed. Fractures are treated as simple, comminuted and closed. In this direction, veterinarians apply different treatment methods according to bone fractures.

Fracture treatments for cats and dogs vary according to the type of fracture. There is a treatment method for fractures that are in the form of cracks and that are not separated from each other, by minimizing the movement for 3 and 4 weeks. In short, it is called self-healing. In split and comminuted fractures, fracture treatment is performed in the form of plaster, bandage and splint methods. Also internal fixation , external fixation , intramedullary Pin applications and plate applications are other methods used in fracture treatments.

Non-surgical Alternatives to Fractures in Cats and Dogs

In the non-surgical treatment of bone fractures in cats and dogs, it takes place with a resting method of 3 and 4 weeks. In addition , tools such as splints are used to fix the broken bones . Another non-surgical bone fracture healing method is fixing the stabilizer bars to the bone with pins .

Benefits of Fracture Surgery in Cats and Dogs

After bone fracture surgery of dogs and cats;

1- Symptoms of swelling, deformity and bruising in the limbs during the disease period disappear,

2-Our friends lose their appetite and the sounds they make because of pain disappear.

Fracture Surgery Damages in Cats and Dogs

As in every surgical procedure, our friends experience fatigue and unhappiness in bone fracture surgery. We help their recovery process by giving them their favorite games and foods to keep them happy. In addition, when bleeding, discharge, swelling or redness are experienced after the operation, we should go to our doctor as soon as possible.

Fracture Surgery Cost in Cats and Dogs

Our dear friends, the cost of surgery varies according to the prices determined by the Chamber of Veterinarians in the region where the clinic is located. Fractures in dogs and cats must be treated for certain to continue their lives in a healthy way. Therefore, we should prefer veterinarians who are experts in their field. The quality of the service provided by the clinic, the characteristics of the devices used, the analysis and X-rays before the surgery affect the costs.

Healing and Care After Fracture Surgery in Cats and Dogs

After the fracture surgery of cats and dogs, movements in the treated area should be minimal. We must constantly check the bandages on the broken place. Because cats and dogs can lick bandages. In addition, we should go to the controls on the days determined by the physician and follow the complete healing process of bone fractures. Painkillers are given to relieve the pain that occurs after bone fracture surgeries.


Patellar luxation in Cats and Dogs

Patellar Luxation is a very serious joint disorder in our living friends. The knee joint connects the thighbone and shinbone. The patella is located in the groove of the thighbone. Joint damage occurs when the kneecap slides in and out through the groove. Therefore, our dogs and cats may have difficulty in moving. Our friends need to be treated so that this situation does not happen.

What is Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs and What are its Causes?

The ligaments between the thighbone and the kneecap bone in dogs and cats can adhere to the fibrous cartilage area on both sides of the kneecap and to the supracondylar sesame bones. Degenerative disorders resulting from this adhesion cause Patellar Luxation. These Patellar Luxations can also be caused by other reasons. The kneecap is displaced when the femur shaft turns inward so that the forward-oriented femur provides balance. In addition, structural defects in the thighbone, braces leg structure and soft tissue lesions cause kneecap problems.

patellar Pomeranian , Poodle , Yorkshire Terrier , Chihuahua , Bichon _ Frize , Terrier , Pekingese and Boston Terrier , medium and large dog breeds are Cocker Spaniel , Golden Retriever , Labrador Retriever chinese Shar Pei and Chow Small dog breeds such as the Chow are predisposed.

What are Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Symptoms and Treatment?

To understand the Patellar Luxations, first of all, it is necessary to look at the breed of the dog. Because in small breeds such as Poodles, Terriers , Pekingese , Chihuahuas and Pinschers , the kneecap bone protrudes to the inside, and in large breed dogs it protrudes laterally. Patellar Luxation is also congenital. Congenital Dysplasia of the kneecap is seen in dogs younger than seven months, and in traumatic Dysplasias, it is seen in all age groups. In addition, another symptom to understand the Patellar Luxation is the dog’s limp. In cats, pain occurs when bending and stretching the knee joints. With the formation of this pain, cats suffer when they walk and run. Since cats do not have kneecaps on their front legs, they frequently lick the kneecaps on their hind legs. In addition, it is understood that the cat has a problem of Dysplasia of the kneecap when the sounds are heard in the knees while walking.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery and Surgery Alternatives

Patellar disorders in dogs and cats is carried out according to the condition of the damage to the kneecap. In this direction, if the damage to the kneecap is small, rest and medication are applied to our friends. However, if the damage to the kneecap is large, surgical operation is required. If surgical procedures are not performed, our friends will not be able to run and jump again as in the old days. In short, if they are not treated, our friends will have to live crippled and unhappy throughout their lives.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery Procedures Step by Step

Patellar disease III. and IV. degree, a surgical method is required. There are many surgical methods for patellar disease. In these surgical methods, surgical procedures are usually performed by deepening the trochlear groove, reconstruction of the tissues around the patella , or reshaping of the abnormal bones.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Non- Surgical Alternatives

Conservative treatment method is used in patellar surgery in cats and dogs. In line with the conservative method, rest and movement restrictions are given for a certain period of time. In addition, pain relief medication is also administered by the physician. If the patellar disease is mild and moderate, rest and drug therapy are preferred in the same way.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery Benefits

1- Our cats and dogs, After patellar luxation surgery, she can run and jump comfortably.

2- The pain of our dear friends during the illness is eliminated.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery Damages

After Patellar luxation surgery of cats and dogs, a recession may occur in our friends. They may also experience situations such as unhappiness. In order to prevent such situations from happening, we give them the games they like or the foods they like. It is normal to experience bleeding, discharge, swelling or redness after surgical procedures. In case of these negative situations, we should consult our doctor.

Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery Cost

We should prefer veterinarians who do their job properly when performing the operation of the kneecap problem of our dear friends. Because knee caps are very important for joints. If a wrong and incomplete surgical procedure is performed, our friends may become disabled for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is normal for the cost of Patellar Luxation to be quite high. In addition, the fact that the clinic has the latest technology in surgery, tests and x-rays before the surgery, the quality of its services and the location of the region where the clinic is located also affect the costs.

Recovery and Care After Patellar Luxation in Cats and Dogs Surgery

Dogs and cats should wear a bandage or support for three to five days after Patellar Luxation. We should also keep him locked in a room for four and eight weeks so that he can make limited movements. We can take our friends for very short daily walks. With the physical therapy given by the physician, the healing process can be accelerated.